What is an Ombuds?
Ombuds is from Swedish, a Germanic language in the same family as English, and means "commissioner, agent." Derived from Old Norse, an umbodhsmadhr was a deputy who looked after the interests and legal affairs of a group such as a trade union or business. In 1809 the office of ombudsman was created to act as an agent of justice to look after the interests of justice in affairs between the government and citizens.
Confidential | Independent | Impartial | Informal
Role of the Ombuds
The role of the ombuds is to provide a safe, informal and confidential space for employees to discuss their issues or complaints without fear of retaliation. He is impartial and does not take sides in disputes, rather facilitate conversations and help parties find mutually agreeable solutions. The ombuds operates independently and without influence from other functions or entities within the university.

Reginald Georgia
University Ombuds
Contact the Ombuds
The best way to reach the ombuds is via email at officeoftheombuds@IllinoisState.edu. Please only include your name and how you wish to be contacted (by email or by telephone -- if the latter, please provide a number and the best times to reach you).